Our annual program calendar

Our annual program calendar

2nd Saturday of May: Dutra Meeting – Celebration of the old agricultural machines (every second year organized)


2nd Saturday of June: Goulash festival as well as herdsmen and highwaymen meeting

     Goulash festival

Last Saturday of June: Gala of zither chapels with Hungarian folklore, professional presentation, following a ball

     Gala of zither chapels

19-20 of August: village festival and ring competition on the occasion of the national holiday. Blessing and cutting of the new bread, open air theatre, funny programs for kids and adults, dancing party.

     Village festival

     Competition of the village

     Ring competition

3rd Saturday of September: Grape harvest festival in Bócsa with cooking competition, parade of decorated horse-drawn carriages and machines in the streets, dancing on every corner, catering of the visitors and guaranteed village mood in terms of wine.

     Village harvest festival

     Cooking competition

2nd Saturday of November: Pig slaughter festival of butcher teams in the park forest.

     Pig slaughter festival

2nd weekend of November: Regional orienteering running “Cup Boróka“.

      Orienteering running

Advent season: little celebration at every weekend. From the repertoire: D.I.Y. afternoon for kids, concert in the church, parade with lanterns, zither evening, German-English Christmas Party, and of course ceremonial lighting of the advent candles.

     Lighting of the advent candles

31st December: New Year’s Eve in the village – trips, party and visiting of spas

     New Year Party